The Quiet Epidemic of Venous Depletion and a Vision of a "One Stick Hosptial Stay"

  • 22 Feb 2024
  • 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Gandy Dancer
  • 0


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Title:  The Quiet Epidemic of Venous Depletion and a Vision of a ‘One Stick Hospital Stay’.

Speaker:  Jon Bell, MSN, RN, VA-BC, CEN


  • Discuss the current state of peripheral vascular health.
  • Identify causes of venous depletion.
  • Evaluate opportunities to improve patient experience by limiting the number of venipunctures.
  • Explore new standards of practice and technologies that have the potential to enable a one-stick hospital stay.

Abstract:  Venous depletion and preservation are concepts gaining attention to improve quality of care, reduce inefficiencies and cost while preserving vessel health for future care. Peripheral IV insertion and blood collection are two of the most common inpatient procedures in US hospitals that touch almost every patient every day. Despite up to 90% of hospitalized patients already having peripheral access, we’ve relied on separate venipunctures, an average of 1.6 to 2.2 blood collection episodes per day. For ‘difficult intravenous access’ (DIVA) patients, the challenge is even greater. As the population gets older and lives longer, does each patient’s trip to the hospital increase the risk of vessel depletion? What impact does it have on the patient’s experience? Can we challenge the status quo and transform clinical practice?  And, is there an opportunity to achieve the vision of a ‘one stick hospital stay’ --- the right IV placed correctly on the first attempt that last for the duration of care and can be used for both infusion therapy and blood draws?

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